
I got a camera yesterday. It was a sweet deal-thanks Aaron. So I finally took a picture of my latest “mod” to my computer, which isn’t really so much a mod as it is a blasphemous jury-rigging of a secondary power supply so that I can run my computer without devices randomly shutting off when the PSU browns out from being overdrawn. Yay for 412.3GB of cumulative hard drive space (finally!). That’s right, you envy me…unless you’re Pual, in which case you already have half a terabyte+ of storage space and you pretty much 0n3 us all in that department.

Is that sad or what? That’s what I have to deal with in the area where I usually put my feet. I kinda hope that I don’t short something out with one of my feet and lose functionality (of my foot or my computer, but mostly my computer-what would I be without this thing?).

And yes, I realize that it is not, in fact, 2002. I didn’t set the date on the camera yet. I was having too much fun playing with it.

4 thoughts on “02/03/2005

  1. I’m glad you’re putting that camera to some good use. It’s seen quite a lot – and hopefully will see a little bit more before it bites the not-so-camera-friendly-dust. Lol – dude, no one cares about your foot, but for christ sake – don’t short out your computer! Fuck man, where would I be if I couldn’t come home and just stream an episode of The Tick or That 70’s Show, etc…

    Here’s to my server number 2 coming along quite nicely…

  2. I don’t think you have enough cords back there. It looks like a bomb too. Cut the green cord, NO the green one!!! *boom* 😛

  3. That is the true mark of a geek. I have done that too. Good times. 800 watts of power, 5 hard drives, and a terrabyte of storage later we called it a server. I might even have pics somewhere.

  4. Check the voltage across the grounds between the 2 power supplies, and make sure there is none to avoid problems down the road. You should be fine, but if there is a voltage there, expect random frying and fires in the near future. 🙂

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