Oh, how hard it is to be a nerd.

My hard drives just keep getting eaten. I mean eaten. Observe:
Oh the horror!
That’s 414.4GB of storage space. You’d think that maybe that would be sufficient. No dice. I have only 69.4GB remaining. I NEED MORE SPACE. Please somebody send me money… Oh, who am I kidding? I think this summer will be a fine time to move to a server/client configuration with a gigabit network. Then again, this summer will need to be a time of moneymaking of ludicrous amounts.

5 thoughts on “Oh, how hard it is to be a nerd.

  1. Well, it’s more like 250 gigs of pr0n, the other 50 is Windows XP. Yeah, I said it- sue me, Microsoft.

  2. what the hell do you have on your computer? Your not sharing anywhere near 300 gig, and games only take up maybe 80 if your finatical?

    Sounds like you need 2 300 gig drive from newegg for 180 bucks.

  3. I am sharing 220.7 gigs of crap. Plus shit that’s installed and the OS and crap I haven’t finished sorting and my personal documents, that hits 300 easily.

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