Ah, shut up, you shisnu.

Fug, here’s an update. I have been playing the gittttar some, but not enough. I just have been busy. And it’s not like anyone takes pictures of me when I am, I’m really not that much to look at, I guess. That would also explain why I don’t really know all that many girls, especially those that play the guitar. Sucks, I know. Talk to Sticky, he knows a girl that plays the guitar now.

For everyone else: Life seems to be settling down, I guess. I just sent off a money order for a handheld 40 channel CB…$11.64. Not bad, I think. Plus, I’m about halfway through Ham Radio for Dummies and Now You’re Talking!: All You Need to Get Your First Ham Radio License just shipped so it should be here next week. Just what I needed, another damn hobby. Speaking of hobbies, I’m hoping that I can get to building my model car that I started. I had to stop because I am spray painting it, not brush painting it, like Pat did with his, so I can’t do that in the dorm. I should be able to get that knocked out this summer. Also on the topic of summer, I have an interview scheduled with some people for an internship. It really seems to sound like a formality, though. I hope that goes well, because I would hate to have to start to look for a job…

I should have a second draft of Out of the White sometime soon, but I don’t know how soon. I started to revise So Close, and Yet So Far… Chapter 1 but I’m having trouble. If anyone wants to give me specific feedback about what they like/dislike about these stories, that would be helpful.

Peace all.