V-Day ain’t so bad, after all.

Apparently, I have girly handwriting. At least that’s one thing that you could deduce from today’s story:

So I decided to do something for Valentine’s day (I know, totally out of character, but what can I say?) so I went to Walgreen’s and picked out cards like 2 weeks ahead of time so that I would be totally prepared and have time to mail things- I was completely on top of my game (again, highly out of character). Needless to say, not everybody was on top of their respective games. I sent a card to a friend and didn’t put the name on the envelope in hopes that she wouldn’t entirely figure out who sent in until she opened it, thereby adding an element of surprise, and apparently confusion. So she decided that she was going to send cards back to people that sent her cards, but she mistook my handwriting for someone else’s (A GIRL’S-THANKS [I’m just messin’, I think it’s hilarious (maybe it’s just your way of telling me I have nice handwriting? [how many times can I legally do this (I don’t know [is it wrong that I responded to myself? (I hope not)])])]). So she sent someone else a card in response to the card I sent her, lol. But she called to apologize and explain the situation and we talked for like 2 hours and that totally made my day, so it’s all good, not that it wouldn’t have been good, cuz I just can’t bring myself to be mad at her anyway.

Some sweet valentine’s day statistics:
Number of people that are my valentine: 1
Number of little valentines that you used to hand out in grade school that I got: 1
Number of cards that I got: 0
Number of cans of spam that I got: 1 (it’s true!)
Number of hugs that I got: 2 (but they were from the same person, and 1 of them wasn’t v-day oriented)
Number of hugs that people owe me: 1

Moral of the story: no love for Mark. Whatever, I’m used to it. 😉

2 thoughts on “V-Day ain’t so bad, after all.

  1. I’m super sorry, but I’m glad you can’t be mad at me.
    I take it that I’m the one that owes you a hug, well here’s a cyper hug for now. *hug*
    ~love ya, kiddo!

  2. Wow….who ever gave you the can of Spam for V-Day must really love you. Screw hugs…Salty meat is where true love is at!

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