
WordPress 1.5 is up, looking sexy (almost as sexy as me, I might add) and the install was virtually painless. See, Aaron? Backing up just the plain old data folder of my mySQL folder wasn’t so silly was it? I didn’t even need to install PHPmyAdmin. Eat that, bitch. In other news, Steam doesn’t want to be updated very quickly these days. Poo on that.

Also, I thought this was quite funny:
You start with this…
And finish strong with this…
Thanks, Grimes.

One thought on “wOOt!

  1. 1) You look like you’re constipated. You should see a doctor.
    B) Don’t knock my waffles bitch. I also replaced my hand with a bottle of Hershey’s syrup, you know, just in case I find some waffles and I’m really craving some chocolate covered waffle-y goodness.
    4) PhpMyAdmin is fucking awesome. Don’t knock it. Ever again. I’m serious.
    X^2) Fuck you Steam.

    That is all.

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