Weekend Update (no Colin Quinn, though).

Great weekend. Amazing weeked. I ran down to Ry’s farm and chilled there for a few days. There is nothing more relaxing than being in the middle of nowhere. Everybody is always saying “there is nothing to do, I’m sorry” and “it’s so boring” but I disagree.

  • Ryan can always come up with something to do and get it set up in under 15 minutes, even in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know how he does it.
  • Sometimes having nothing to do is a blessing. I have things to do all the time, and I like being able to walk around barefoot in a field and stare at the sky or some trees and just…not think. It’s so hard not to think in suburbia (although I do my best to try).

At any rate I had a great time, and I got a great sunburn (I glow in the dark now) out on the boat. Plus, I didn’t lose any fingers in the woodshop. That’s always a good thing.