All posts by m


Alright, so ‘One Corny Story’ has now evolved into ‘Here I Am.’ It’s an inside joke with a few people from my fiction class, but then again, that’s how the writing of ‘One Corny Story’ started. I’m also in the process of revising ‘So Close, and Yet So Far…’ It’s going in a slightly new direction, but I like it so far. At any rate, ‘Here I Am’ is up in the pages, so read it if you like and leave some comments. I hope to post the new revision of ‘So Close, and Yet So Far…’ soon, too.

And thus begins hell.

Well, to appease Mattie (again) I will drop an update. I guess I should anyway, a lot has happened recently and I think I need to write. To start: breaking up can be very stressful, and I’m sure a lot of us know that firsthand. Recently, I had to wake up at 1:30AM to the fact that two of my closest friends, who have been together for a long time and who I expected to be together for a long time to come, had just broken up. It wasn’t the late (or early) waking that bothered me, so much as it was the fact that my world just got rocked hard. I still can’t quite grasp how much this is going to affect my future. And if it’s this hard for me to see what’s going to happen, I can’t imagine how much is going on in the minds of the two most affected parties.

Also, one of my friends broke his arm in two places. He was running naked and drunk at the time. That will be a nice funny story for him to tell his children and grandchildren someday, I guess.

Finals will soon be upon me, and I have two papers to write for one class, one due Wednesday, and one due Friday. Then I have a final in that class Monday 9AM-11AM. Boy will it feel good to be done with that little gem of a learning experience. The only other final I have will be in Database Management, and I’m not sure we’ve actually learned anything of value in that class, so I’ll probably just go and hope for the passing grade. Should I study for my racquetball and badminton finals?

I guess the only other anything of note is that I have been revising my stories some more, and I’ll hope to get some new revisions posted soon. Then once I am done, I can go back to working on The Plot. Aaron, you still need to get me a print of that photo, please and thank-you.

Oh yeah, and I have just embarked on a large and expensive renovation of my car’s audio system. In the end, I’ll have a spiffy new head unit, two speakers in the rear window (there’s only one right now), and an 80GB hard-drive based mp3 player up in thurr. Sexy, eh? Estimated total cost is somewhere around $450, and I’m only $205 deep yet.


I posted the second draft of ‘Out of the White’ in the pages section, along with a newly revised ‘So Close, and Yet So Far…’ where I took the first chapter and turned it into a standalone story with a resolution and everything. Shout a holla and let me know what y’all think.

Cool, but can I be Inpspector Gadget?

ISTJ – The Inspector
You scored 0% I to E, 73% N to S, 76% F to T, and 42% J to P!
Your type is known as the inspector, and the single word that describes you is superdependable. You also belong to the larger group of guardians. You look carefully at the people and institutions around you and notice every last detail. You feel it is up to you to make sure those around you uphold certain standards of attitude and conduct. You are down to earth, with a distaste for fanciful things. You prefer things practical to new-fangled. Your word is your bond. You have no problem with detail. You share your type with 10% of the population.

As a romantic partner, you are dependable and predictable. You usually like things done in very specific ways. You tend to appreciate tradition, and you work hard to achieve goals. You have trouble sharing your feelings, though. In your eagerness to be organized and productive, you can also be unwilling to examine or embrace alternative points of view. You like to be appreciated for your practical contributions, your common sense, and the efforts you make to keep your life on track. You like to be thanked often, both informally and formally and are most likely to be upset when your partner forgets a tradition you hold dear, such as an anniversary.

Your group summary: Guardians (SJ)
Your Type Summary: ISTJ

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 38% on J to P

Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Ah, shut up, you shisnu.

Fug, here’s an update. I have been playing the gittttar some, but not enough. I just have been busy. And it’s not like anyone takes pictures of me when I am, I’m really not that much to look at, I guess. That would also explain why I don’t really know all that many girls, especially those that play the guitar. Sucks, I know. Talk to Sticky, he knows a girl that plays the guitar now.

For everyone else: Life seems to be settling down, I guess. I just sent off a money order for a handheld 40 channel CB…$11.64. Not bad, I think. Plus, I’m about halfway through Ham Radio for Dummies and Now You’re Talking!: All You Need to Get Your First Ham Radio License just shipped so it should be here next week. Just what I needed, another damn hobby. Speaking of hobbies, I’m hoping that I can get to building my model car that I started. I had to stop because I am spray painting it, not brush painting it, like Pat did with his, so I can’t do that in the dorm. I should be able to get that knocked out this summer. Also on the topic of summer, I have an interview scheduled with some people for an internship. It really seems to sound like a formality, though. I hope that goes well, because I would hate to have to start to look for a job…

I should have a second draft of Out of the White sometime soon, but I don’t know how soon. I started to revise So Close, and Yet So Far… Chapter 1 but I’m having trouble. If anyone wants to give me specific feedback about what they like/dislike about these stories, that would be helpful.

Peace all.


Who bleeds at Badminton, anyway? Apparently, I do. Whatever, I returned the shot, so it’s all good.

Called my contact at the company I intend to apply to today, and I’ll send in my résumé later this week. It would be totally sweet to get a job there doing something computer related. Besides the fact that I would probably like it better than data entry (“data acquisition and transcription”, as I like to embellish it) or selling popcorn, it would be great to have for getting a job in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working at the theater, but it’s just not a career, ya know? I think I’m going to go get me a haircut now, so I can start gelling my hair again. I’m pretty much just not sexy without the gelled hair. I know, I know, I’m not even sexy with gelled hair, but it makes me happy nonetheless.

Settling, for or against?

You’ve read those books, right? The ‘for-or-against?’ series? Point-counterpoint is just so much fun, I’ve decided to make a new one. Granted, you don’t have to write an essay or anything, but you should definitely post a comment with your opinions/arguments for and against settling.

Point #1: Always settle. You never know when something better will come along, but who knows-you might already have it. To give up what you already have for the hope of something better would just be foolish, and you would be begging to be let down.

Come on Aaron and Ryan, I know you have your opinions, let’s hear ’em. And the same goes for everyone else, too: show me what you think. Or just make up something funny. Either way write something.


I thought that for once, things were going my way. I guess not. When you’re on top, I guess there really is no place to go but down. For the record: shortest relationship, but still the most painful breakup. If you think that’s silly, I guess you just don’t understand how much she really meant to me.

Note to life: fuck off.


Wow. That is definitely the word for the weekend. I don’t think that I could have fit any more action into my weekend if I tried. Ok, that’s a lie, I actually could have. However, this weekend was incredibly action packed anyway, and I think that it was the best weekend ever. Not even joking. Things I did this weekend:

Chilled with my best bud, the Stickmasta
Had a bonfire
Burned down a toilet (I assure you it most certaily can (and did) happen
Killed a man Ok, so that I didn’t do, but I could have, especially considering the next item
Operated firearms
Ate too much and too unhealthily
Had a birthday (I’ll just let that include all the interesting stuff that happened on my birthday too, to shorten the list)
Got a strip of Elephant hide
Drove way too recklessly
Watched some drunk people get a dog drunk
Participated in a rather lengthy and enthralling Easter egg hunt

and most importantly: took myself off the market. You know which one, the relationship one. That’s right guys ladies, stop asking- I’m taken!

I hope I didn’t forget anything. I think I’ll add picture links when I get sleep/organized.

The birthday continues.

Damn, this has been a birthday quite to remember. Sticky, Ryan, Drew, Yancy, and I went to the Salvation Army and searched for the gaudiest, cheapest, and coolest items we could find. Sticky and I got matching shirts. Neato. Then, Sticky and I played with the siren that he got me for my birthday. It’s all weather, so the only application I can think of for it is, quite obviously, to place under the hood of my car. I am so going to be arrested this summer.

Next came the big one: a series of gifts. That’s right, a series. Fifteen gifts in a row, one in two parts. In case you don’t fully understand the situation, I was expected to guess the nature of each gift before opening it, then open it and, of course, try to understand why in the world someone would give that gift. I spent an hour on the phone with the giver making guesses, opening presents, and ultimately being made fun of. End result? My cheekbones hurt. I kid you not. In the matter of an hour I giggled, smiled, and outright laughed so much that my face decided it had had enough.

Then sticky and I experiemented with maxing out the school’s upload capacity. Fun times.

Still to come: a six pack of Guinness Extra Stout, the birthday tradition.

I am the birthday boy.

Best start to a birthday ever: woot was a remote controlled spy car with a camera and laser tag feature. Wow. I have seen many woots in my time, but this one certainly takes the cake. Then Aaron, Sticky, Ryan, and I went wardriving for long whiles, and went to Steak n Shake. Dizzzamn it was fun. Sticky found buried treasure behind my couch. After some more toying around with the computers, I’ll head to bed. Late. I totally look forward to opening a package from a certain someone that I did not expect a gift from. I’m excited.

Oh, how appropriate.

I’m about to go on a walk with Ryan, because it is snowing and we haven’t had a walk this year in the snow. So I think that it’s very appropriate that I just finished transcribing the first draft to “Out of the White,” a story that I wrote a couple of days ago about a snowy walk. I am pretty proud of it, so I have posted it in the pages with the other prose and poetry. Many thanks to Ryan for conjuring me up a fitting title for the piece.

Away Messenger.

Away Messenger

It’s pretty much the coolest thing I know of doing. It’s tons of fun and you should try it: Away Messaging.
Pick a friend, any friend at all, but only one. Devote your away messages for the day solely to communicating with only this person. See how long it is before they are doing the same thing right back to you. See how many messages you get from confused other people who don’t quite know the whole story. It works best if the point of the messages is to fight with the person you chose.


I seriously, honest to Blue (my computer), no joking got this error message today.
Widnows? WIDNOWS?! Wow. I feel really safe protected by Widnows Spyware Beta. I realize that it’s not a final release or anything, but that was such a horrible spelling error that I just can’t resist tearing them to pieces over it, especially since they spelled it right the second (and third!) time they typed it. That would be like me spelling my own name Mrak. That’s just crazy talk.

Projects abound.

Hokay, so after installing each operating system like 32132165432130346544321879 times in the last 3 days (it was a feat but somehow I did it) I finally got the laptop to the status of triple-booting. Yahoo! I think I’ll take some pictures later, but for now I need to sleep so that I will have energy for badminton. You know, I would have said that I would need energy for racquetball, but I really haven’t needed it. But damn, I play like a monster in badminton. I actually dove and did a shoulder-drop roll to get the birdie on Tuesday. Coach liked that effort. That didn’t really matter, though, he still shut Beau and I out completely 15 to none. That man is a MACHINE.

Oh, how hard it is to be a nerd.

My hard drives just keep getting eaten. I mean eaten. Observe:
Oh the horror!
That’s 414.4GB of storage space. You’d think that maybe that would be sufficient. No dice. I have only 69.4GB remaining. I NEED MORE SPACE. Please somebody send me money… Oh, who am I kidding? I think this summer will be a fine time to move to a server/client configuration with a gigabit network. Then again, this summer will need to be a time of moneymaking of ludicrous amounts.

Strawberry milkshakes aren’t the only things for pansies…

I got up this morning, went to work at 8am, and then went to Carver for Badminton. I was a little early, and the racquetball people were still there- the ones in the racquetball course that I tried to sign up for and that was full so I had to default onto badminton. Apparently they wanted another player, so I joined. This is totally cool, I have 2 hours of racquet-based activity every tuesday and thursday starting at 8:30am now. I am psyched. It’s like I get to go chill with my best friend for an hour and then chill with his cute little sister for another hour. Too bad none of my real friends have cute little sisters.